Helen Hadden Psychotherapist

Two distinct therapeutic approaches

I offer two distinct therapeutic approaches: psychodynamic psychotherapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Each approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of individual clients. Some may choose to work psychodynamically, others may opt for EMDR, and some may find a combination of both to be the most beneficial.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Psychodynamic psychotherapy originates from the work of Sigmund Freud. It is a form of talk therapy that explores the connection between a patient's past experiences, often from childhood, and their current mindset and how they experience themselves, their relationships and life. This open-ended treatment provides clients with options such as duration and frequent sessions. Sessions last for a 'therapeutic hour' of 50 minutes. Clients may bring specific issues they wish to discuss or choose to 'see what comes up' in seasons.

How psychodynamic psychotherapy works
Psychodynamics describes the psychological and emotional forces interacting in a person's mind, beyond actions and the 'here and now', to investigate why you feel and think the way you do. This approach allows for more in-depth inquiry and assists you in gaining insight and self-awareness. It may change how you perceive life, yourself, and your relationships with others by modifying your ideas and actions and comprehending the underlying causes of emotional distress.

In our sessions, we create a safe and non-judgmental space where everything is open for discussion. We'll delve into your past, including early childhood experiences and caregiver relationships, and how these might influence your personality, emotional well-being, and self-perception. No topic is too sensitive or too much, as every thought and feeling that surfaces facilitates the exploration of buried emotions and ideas. We'll also delve into unconscious processes involving repressed memories, desires, and unresolved childhood issues.

Understanding these unconscious processes and bringing them into conscious consciousness can lead to personal insight and emotional healing, referred to as "making the unconscious conscious."



Portobello Psychotherapy,266 Basement Floor, Ladbroke Grove,London, W10 5LP.


Psychotherapist Helen Hadden

Helen Hadden Psychotherapist