Helen Hadden Psychotherapist

Online dating and attachment styles

Because it's easy and quick, online dating has become popular in recent years. However, people with an avoidant attachment style may find that internet dating offers benefits and drawbacks. One possible interaction between an avoidant attachment style and online dating is as follows:

  1. First, **Autonomy and Command**: Online dating might appeal to those with an avoidant attachment style since it provides a sense of autonomy and separation. They don't have to feel rushed in face-to-face meetings and can instead take their time chatting online.
  1. **First Impressions** Avoidantly attached people can find partners with whom they share commonalities regarding their interests, values, and personality qualities on dating websites. This fits in with their preferred method of approaching relationships, which is cautiously at first.

Avoidant people may find it challenging to open up emotionally and be vulnerable. Online dating can act as a buffer, allowing people to easily share personal details without immediately feeling exposed or overwhelmed.

Avoidant attachment styles are characterised by a general unease with commitment and a reluctance to become too close to others. Avoidant people can keep their choices open and keep their distance from potential partners by using online dating to arrange brief, noncommittal encounters.

Avoidantly attached people may find online dating particularly difficult.

  1. **First**, **Communication:** Any healthy partnership relies heavily on open lines of communication. Avoidant people may need help expressing themselves effectively online, increasing the likelihood of misunderstandings.
  2. Avoidantly attached people may be more sensitive to the emotional pain of rejection. They risk being rejected by many people at once when dating online, which can be emotionally draining.
  3. Avoiding Genuine Interaction: While internet dating might provide a measure of emotional distance, it can also be used to avoid developing genuine relationships with other people. People with difficulty initiating or maintaining close relationships may be locked in the dating phase forever.
  4. **Ghosting or Fading:** Avoidant people may be more likely to engage in online dating behaviour, which is a sudden and unexplained withdrawal from the relationship. This can be harmful to relationships with others and perpetuate destructive behaviours.

Recognising attachment patterns and actively working on personal development and self-awareness is crucial for people with an avoidant attachment style.

To better understand their attachment style and develop skills for creating healthier, more secure connections in online dating and beyond, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a therapist or counsellor. Improving your online dating success by learning secure attachment skills like effective communication and emotional openness is a win-win.



Portobello Psychotherapy,266 Basement Floor, Ladbroke Grove,London, W10 5LP.


Psychotherapist Helen Hadden

Helen Hadden Psychotherapist